The Paradox of Choice pointed out the astonishing amount of options consumers have available to them on the shelves and also in the amount of places to buy those items whether in traditional stores or on the Web. Any organization that's unresponsive to today's customer might not stay in business for long.
An example of businesses working to keep customers happy, at least locally, can be found at the CVS in Cleveland Park. The store had large, colorful panels in its windows facing out to the street. You might have seen them: mostly red pieces, about 20x24 with CVS in yellow (or white) letters. Inoffensive, impractical, eye-catching blotches of color.
The Cleveland Park denizens, however, didn't much care for them and let CVS know that the windows might be even more attractive if the panels were replaced with photos of historical Cleveland Park. Well, lo and behold, fast-forward a few weeks and suddenly there's old-time Cleveland Park right there in the windows of CVS.
The photos are accompanied by short captions that are actually drawing passers-by in to examine the pictures and read the captions.
I don't think CVS burned any bridges or lost any customers by agreeing to this request. Well done CVS!
By the way, there's an egregious error on one of the captions. Get down there and see if you can figure it out!
Hi, I couldn't find a way to contact you so I'm leaving this comment instead. I now live out of state but used to live in CP. Your blog is great for me to keep up with the doings on Conn Ave.
Question: a friend recently told me that Nanny O'Briens either is closing or already closed. True??? I'm so sorry to hear this!
Hi Marty, I didn't realise any one was reading the blog except when I get a little publicity but now I know you're out there I'll try to write a little more often.
Nanny's is still open. I've also heard the rumor that the bar is closing but I can't find anyone to admit to it. I was in there last weekend and the guy behind the bar was evasive -- he said, "I have no idea what's going on around here."
I noticed they seemed to be running out of liquor -- not a good sign.
In other Nanny news, an item in last week's Northwest Current said Nanny's was fined a thousand bucks and had to close for one day because they had a comedian on stage and Nanny's license allows for folk and Irish music but not comedians. Who knew there even was such a rule?
Thanks for the (at least) hopeful news about Nanny's. And Kelley, if you're reading this, you still have more time to go there and buy me that hat or sweatshirt if they DO close! :)
I'm out in California now, Bob. Nanny's was my favorite DC pub and I'm depressed from a distance that it might close.
I *do* read your blog.. keep it up!
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